Our Never Miss prostate 癌症 campaign launched with MSD

We announced the launch of Never Miss, co-created with MSD, known as Merck & Co. 在美国和加拿大, a global prostate 癌症 awareness campaign that taps into the passion many people have for sport to encourage them to understand their risk of developing prostate 癌症, and for those who may be at risk to speak to their doctor.

Breaking down the social barriers to prostate 癌症 awareness

前列腺癌 癌症 impacts millions of people globally, either directly or indirectly.1千万不要错过” aims to provide people with the information and the confidence they need to not only engage their doctor if they may be at risk of developing prostate 癌症, but also to speak openly with their loved ones and break down the barriers that surround discussing prostate health.


By tapping into the lifelong affinity many people have with sport, “千万不要错过” urges men to extend that same commitment and passion to their own health and well-being, and “千万不要错过” a chance at early diagnosis by understanding their potential risk of prostate 癌症. 该活动包括一个综合网站, 提供多种语言版本, with educational resources such as conversation guides to help men feel more comfortable talking about prostate health with their doctor and loved ones.


We know that for many people, having conversations around this sensitive topic may not be easy. 的目的千万不要错过” is to help men understand their potential risk of developing prostate 癌症 and to spread this message globally to improve outcomes and help support and inform those who may be impacted by prostate 癌症. Whether it’s yourself, a relative, friend or loved one, we all know someone who may be at risk.

Our top priority in breaking down barriers to prostate 癌症 awareness and detection is always to listen to the community affected by this disease, 根据这些见解采取行动, 确保病人的声音被听到.

Verma苏尼尔 澳门葡京网赌游戏肿瘤医学全球主管

前列腺癌 癌症 impacts millions of men around the world. We know that when prostate 癌症 is detected early, 患者的预后可能会大大改善. 通过“永不失手”活动, we hope to raise awareness of risk factors for prostate 癌症, break down social barriers and empower men to take control of their health.

苏菲Opdyke MSD全球肿瘤营销高级副总裁


前列腺癌通常没有症状. Knowing whether you may be at risk can help you identify early signs of the disease. 50岁以上的男性可能有风险, 或45岁以上的黑人男性, 还有那些有前列腺家族史的人, 乳房, 卵巢癌或胰腺癌. When prostate 癌症 is diagnosed in the early stages, doctors have more options to determine appropriate care and improve patient outcomes.2-7


前列腺癌 癌症 is the second most common 癌症 in men worldwide. 有1个.4 million new cases of prostate 癌症 and 375,000 deaths globally in 2020.8,9 Despite an increase in the number of available therapies, it is estimated that prostate 癌症 mortality will almost double over the next 20 years.10,11



1. 世界. WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2021 (引用2022年11月). 可从:http://gco获得.研究.fr/today/data/factsheets/populations/900-world-fact-sheets.pdf

2. 前列腺癌-概述. NHS UK; 2021 (引用2022年11月). 可从:http://www获得.国民健康保险制度.英国/条件/前列腺癌

3. 前列腺癌的症状和体征. American Cancer Society; 2019 [cited 2022Nov30]. 可从:http://www获得.癌症.org/癌症/prostate-癌症/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html

4. 前列腺癌危险因素. American Cancer Society; 2020 [cited 2022Nov30]. 可从:http://www获得.癌症.org/癌症/prostate-癌症/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html

5. Rumpf F, Plym A, Vaselkiv J, Preston M, Kibel A, Mucci L, et al. Impact of Family History and Germline Genetic Risk Variants on Long-Term Outcomes of Active Surveillance-Eligible 前列腺癌 Cancer. 泌尿外科杂志. 207 2022;(5)补充. 

6. 黑人男性和前列腺癌的关系. 前列腺癌 Cancer UK; 2016 (引用2022年11月) Available from: http://prostate癌症uk.org/prostate-information/are-you-at-risk/black-men-and-prostate-癌症.

7. 前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)测试说明书. National Cancer Institute; 2022 (引用2022年11月). 可从:http://www获得.癌症.gov /类型/ / psa-fact-sheet前列腺癌.

8. 前列腺癌. WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2020 (引用2022年11月) 可从:http://gco获得.研究.fr/today/data/factsheets/癌症s/27-前列腺癌-fact-sheet.pdf.

9. 前列腺癌统计. 国际世界癌症研究基金会. (引用2022年11月). 可从:http://www获得.世界癌症研究基金会.org/癌症-trends/prostate-癌症-statistics/.

10. Estimated number of deaths from 2020 to 2040, Both sexes, age [0-85+]. 前列腺癌. WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer; (引用2022年11月). 可从:http://gco获得.研究.fr /明天/ en / dataviz /酒吧?类型= 1&性别= 0&模式=人口& group_populations = 0& multiple_populations = 1& multiple_癌症s = 1&癌症= 27&人口= 903 _904_905_908_909_935& apc = cat_ca20v1.5 _ca23v-1.5& group_癌症s = 1& bar_mode =分组

11. Estimated number of deaths from 2020 to 2040, prostate, males, all ages. WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer; (引用2022年11月). 可从:http://gco获得.研究.fr /明天/ en / dataviz /同形像?性别= 1& single_unit = 500000&癌症= 27

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